
Your expert in Kiel for more than two decades

1995 foundation of TASCO Metallmontage GmbH on the former site of Krupp-MAK in

          Friedrichsort in the North of Kiel by Dursun Tasyürek

1995 start work as a subcontractor: manufacture of various components for Siemens

          Schienenfahrzeugtechnik GmbH

1996 commence assembly production for Siemens Schienenfahrzeugtechnik GmbH

1997 commence component manufacturing of Amtrak wire frames for Siemens

          Schienenfahrzeugtechnik GmbH

1998 commence large scale assembly production for Vossloh AG

1999 commence defence engineering work for Vossloh AG

2000 commence hood construction for various rail engine types for Vossloh Locomotives GmbH

2001 opening of Wellsee metal sheet manufacturing branch for Vossloh Locomotives GmbH

2003 appointment of Inci Tasyürek-Heidhof as Managing Director

2003 acquisition of Friedrichsorter Großmechanik from Rheinmetall and Vossloh

2004 commence full assembly of various rail engine types for Vossloh Locomotives

2004 commence vessel manufacturing for Norddeutsche-Filtervertriebs GmbH

2005 commence base frame construction for Caterpillar Kiel and Rostock

2006 commence oil sump construction for Caterpillar Kiel and Rostock

2007 commence pressure vessel construction for Mahle Industriefiltration GmbH

2008 exhaust casing for Siemens AG Power Generation

2009 rail grinding vehicles for Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH

2012 commence work in production of  vehicle construction components for Flensburger

          Fahrzeugbau GmbH

2014 commence component construction for ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH

2015 appointment of Erkan Tasyürek as Managing Director

2016 prototype production Sylt Shuttle for RDC Deutschland GmbH